Monday, September 7, 2015

My 20's

My 20th birthday is approaching, a wonderful but awkward age. A brand new chapter that I'm anxious to start. When we are 17,we think we know everything. And when we wake up at 20 we understand that we know absolutely nothing(and that our mother's are right about everything).
I look up to my older girlfriends/family members so much. They are fiercely independent,wise,and honest. Which is what brought me to this post. I asked the women in my life a few questions, like "what is a lesson you learned in your 20's?" and "what advice would you give to me coming into my 20's?". The responses were vast,honest,and inspiring. They came from different women that are in different walks in life, which explored every angle for me. After gathering all of the results, I went to sleep that night feeling wonderful and less anxious about this new world I'm stepping into.
And I hope this gives you a little inspiration and comfort as well.

These are the responses from real women about what they learned in their 20's,and the advise they want to pass on:

Heartbreak is not the end of the world. It is an opportunity.

Cherish the ones you love, nothing is more important than friends and family. Without them, you have nothing.Take care of the ones who take care of you.

Let go of unhealthy relationships. Not every relationship is meant to last forever.

If you're not happy, change it.

Tequila is not always the answer.

Learn the difference between who to f*ck, and who to marry.

Life gets busier,don't take lazy days for granted.

You finally learn to say no. If you get a job offer that isn't for you,or you get asked out and you don't  want to go,or your friends want you to go out but you're too tired. You learn to say no to all of it,and gain control.

Impress yourself,it is the only opinion that matters.

You are not invincible, JAIL IS REAL.

You have time.

You are in control of all things that happen to you. If you are feeling negative,negativity is sure to follow.Wake up everyday and take the day by the balls,and dust away the negativity.Perception and attitude is key.

Learning God's unfailing love. Beginning to look at life differently and see how good God is. Meeting people who show you God's love, and help you experience it more.

Care about you ,and what you want. You can people please all you want,but you will lose yourself in the process.

Being an adult sucks,enjoy what you have now.

Life is too short to stay with someone who makes you miserable.Believe in you,and know that you are awesome. And someone equally awesome will come along.

Special thanks to all the ladies who contributed. I love you all,

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