Sunday, February 22, 2015


For the past week or so, I've had a thought running through my head. Something that is a bit different than what I usually talk about on here. But its something I think would be interesting to discuss.
The moral/lesson/thing I want you to take from this post, is to love you, be you, and believe in yourself. A concept that I've been struggling with for a long time. This is a very complicated mindset that I'm trying to master. So this post is very real. Don't worry, I'll go back to rambling about things that I wear, and what wash my hair with.
Let's do this.
Impress you.
I believe in the thought of " Looking good, feeling good". I've struggled with low self esteem for most of my life. And at times,I don't think too much of myself. And as silly as it sounds, the thing that does help with my struggle is getting up every day,getting ready, and putting my best face forward to tackle whatever is happening. You wouldn't walk into combat unarmed would you? I don't tackle my struggles in sweatpants.
Don't get up every morning trying to impress anyone else other than yourself. Wake up and go for it. Put on something that will make you feel FEARLESS. Impress the hell out of yourself. Because that opinion is the only one that matters.
I hope all of you have a wonderful week!

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