Wednesday, August 5, 2015


So before, I wasn't a big bandana wearer. I had no idea how to pair it with something from my wardrobe, or if I could pull it off. Until I started seeing them in more of a scarf setting. Thats when I bought one. Still, it was just sitting there untouched. Until I bought this gray trapeze dress that needed a little something. A spur of the moment decision, that completely turned this outfit badass. The rest of the day I walked around like Clint Eastwood, felt mysterious. Actually no I did. I just felt freaking cool.
What I love about fashion is the comfort. But more or less I like trying something new, and becoming comfortable in something that I though I couldn't pull off. It's one if those things when I talk to other people about a certain look,or I'm wearing something a little out there and they say "oh I could never pull that off". My response to them is "All is takes is the courage to leave the house". And it is true. Once you make it out of there you,get a feel of it,and ultimately you own it. But its important to wear the outfit and not the outfit wear you. It's all in the psychology of it, in my opinion. 
So the message I'm trying to leave here is, try something new. And have the courage to leave the house.

Until next time,

                                     Dress-Forever21  Boots-Apri  Bandana-Urban Outfitters

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