Sunday, January 31, 2016

Goodbye January. You Sucked.

Hello everyone,
  Tonight I decided to write about something personal.
We live in a world where we are easily exposed as well as easily made up to be super pretty. We live in a world that if life isn't going so great we can go on Facebook, rant,and get sympathy from everyone we know. Or we can take pictures of a "perfect" life and post it on Instagram, no matter what is really happening. All I'm saying is that I do both. I'm revealing a lot on here because I know my life is far from perfect, and the unique thing about blogs, is that someone can come across your post, and relate. You never know who can benefit from shared struggles. So I'm taking off the mask.
  Welcome to my real un-perfect life.

  So 2016 started off lovely. Yep... Started. Not too long into this month, my world came to a halt. I was fired from the job that I had for 4 years. It was everything to me. It was my family, my life,and of course my income. I know it is pathetic to call it my life but most of the people in my life, are from that job. My managers that I had been working with for years who always said they would take care of me, and that they loved me where gone. The family that I had been a part of was gone. I felt abandoned and like I was tossed out on my butt.
  Truth is that I wasn't happy there, and I felt like I was in a slump. Nothing new or exciting was happening,and I didn't like the person that I was when I was at work. But when a job(good or bad) becomes a part of you as a person, it is very easy to stay. It is familiar and easy. Even if it drains a lot out of you.
  So after I was let go,I was trying to stay positive and be more of the person I wanted to be. I started playing my guitar more, reading,and going on walks with my friend Taylor and her adorable baby. I felt great. Then I would get sad and lonely all over again. Only 3 people from my old job still talk to me. Which I'm pretty thankful for, and they have been an incredible support system through this entire thing. But when you had what felt like a whole army behind you suddenly disappear, you begin to understand a few things. So maybe my family got a bit smaller, but I still have one. And thats all any of us could ask for in this life. So I love and thank them. As well as my legit family. My parents and siblings were really there for me, and swooped in like superheroes to help me out. Again, I'm in good shape.
  I have two job interviews this week,and I'm looking forward to a new beginning. I said I didn't like that person I was, well this is the opportunity for me to be the person I want to be. I have never felt better about myself, and I believe in myself. This whole experience has made me stronger.

  There is one good thing that happened this month, my beautiful niece was born. Baby Reese is perfection. And I want to be the best version of myself for her. I want her to know how loved she is, and I want her to see how much good there is in this world. And I think this terrible experience really helped me become the person I want to be. The person she and everyone else needs me to be.
So the bottom line is, life sucks sometimes but keep fighting. Things are going to test you,hurt you,and scare you. But the way you recover and power through is everything.They develop you as human being,and make you tough. If you believe things will get better and think positively, you can get through whatever it is that is hurting you. And be thankful for the people in your life that will never leave your side.

Things get better. It gets better.


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